#3 Safe Security Lite – Booster, Cleaner, AppLock by Mobimagicdevelop It works very smooth on every Android OS device and also well suited for low memory smartphones. It has 4.4 ratings in-app store with more than 50 million downloads. Simple user interface with easy navigation.Clean call logs and SMS in bulk by timestamp or contact.App cache cleaning feature, cleaning of download folders, browser’s history cleaner, clipboard cleaning and other….It provides some extraordinary features, in other words, it is the perfect and real cleaner app for Android OS devices.

In its free version, it gives a lot of cleaning features which are not given by any other cleaner app. It is very famous for desktops and inspired from the success of desktops they launched it for smartphones also. Probably you have used CCleaner app for your PC.

It can control the notifications and you can clean notifications with it.Cleans app cache, junks and memory to boost performance.Let we tell you some cool features of this cleaner app: They only focus on memory boosting and cleaning. The designer of this app didn’t add too many functionalities to it because adding more functionalities cause the apps to slow down your smartphone and occupy more space. It is of the only 6MB in size and requires Android version 4.1 or above to install. If you are in search of a lightweight app, then this app is for you. This is the reason it took first place in our list.

We installed it on our Android device and impressed by its performance. It is not from a famous brand but has the most positive reviews from customers. This is one of the emerging cleaner apps for Android devices.