Variable le in sub main.btndispgrid_click is never used Variable main.lblcofigtooltip in sub main.app_start is never used Here is a list, in case it helps (error message is followed by the offending line of code):

With error checking on I got numereous errors. In order to get your program to run, I had to turn off error checking. My favorite desktop version is Simple Sudoku, and your implementation is very similar. Now I don't have to as you have come very close to what I desired. Hi Klaus, nice job on the Sudoku program! For some time now I have had it in mind to write my own version for exactly the reasons you wrote yours. Added background color for 1 and 2 small number cadidates Added solver, not the best one yet, misses solutions for difficult puzzles supports 240*320 and 240*400 screen sizesīug reports and improvement suggestions are welcome.ĮDIT 2010.02.06 : You must also copy the lng directory on the device in the same directory as the program.ĮDIT 2010.02.07 Version 1.1 : Fixed problem with unassigned/unused variables.ĮDIT 2010.02.08 Version1.2 : Fixed problem when leaving the program. program texts in english, french and german (italian, spanish and portuguese can be added in translating existing files and save them with I for italian, S for spanish and P for portuguese as the last character in the text file names (EX. generate grids with 4 levels of difficuties

There are already 2 of them in the forum, but I did miss some functions so I wrote my own.